A magnifying glass on a computer representing SEO services

What are SEO Services? &
What is included with SEO Services?

SEO Services - Everything You Need To Know

By Jesse Martinez (SEO Specialist)
Jan 3, 2024

SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization". This technique has been around since the 1990's and its been used to improve a website performance in terms of findability. SEO services are applied to a website so search engines can index the website on their pages for users to find. Users are typically searching up product to buy, services or information.

If used correctly, SEO services can push a website to the front of the line of search results. The goal of SEO is to attract website visitors to your website who can become potential customers or clients and keep them as a loyal audience.

Below are the major key points we will talk about in this blog post:

Keep reading to learn further about what SEO services are and how it can help you and your business. If you have any questions that we did not cover like our SEO packages, feel open to contact us at CRE8 Digital, a digital marketing agency in Houston, to speak with one of our experienced SEO strategist and we'd be happy to help your business.

What Are SEO Services?

SEO services are specialized offerings in search engine optimization, usually provided by agencies, freelancers, or consultants. These services are designed to optimize your website for search engines, with the goal of increasing traffic and revenue from search.

An SEO strategy typically contains three main components: on-page SEO, which focuses on optimizing the content and structure of your website; off-page SEO, which involves external factors like backlinks and online reputation; and technical SEO, which includes the backend aspects of your website such as site speed and mobile compatibility. While many SEO plans cover all these areas, some may concentrate on specific aspects, particularly off-page SEO, to meet unique business needs.

What Should SEO Services Include?

Now that we've defined what SEO services are, let's mention what you should expect from SEO companies. While each digital marketing agency operates differently, it's important to choose an agency that offer the best seo services for your business to thrive.

1. Custom Strategy

A custom strategy is vital for SEO services. When your approach is personalized to your business, you can improve your Return on Investment (ROI) from SEO. This means more calls, orders, and visits to your website. When you invest in any SEO service package, make sure the agency delivers a custom strategy fit for your business. Some SEO agencies provide little to no work strategies, especially those offering "cheap" SEO services.

For example, would you use a phone plan that has let you down in terms of connectivity or customer service even if their prices are the "lowest" in the industry? I hope the answer is no, you want the best seo services to fit your needs and budget so you can appear in that first page of Google, keep this in mind, 75% of users do not scroll past the first page.

2. SEO Audit

An SEO audit involves a thorough evaluation of your current strategy, which is particularly important when optimizing for local search terms. Even if you don't have an existing SEO strategy, your SEO agency will assess your website from an SEO perspective, identifying areas for improvement.

An SEO agency in Houston like CRE8 Digital use only the best SEO audit tools to point out areas that need to be improved, in turn giving you the best SEO solutions for your business' brand.

3. Off-Page Optimization

Off page SEO should be included in any SEO service package. Typical off-page SEO services provided by an SEO agency include promoting your website content to bloggers or influencers, creating shareable blog content, monitoring your brand mentions on social media, and optimizing your Google My Business profile to cater to your local audience.

For example, CRE8 Digital uses social media management services to local business in Houston as part of the SEO services to enhance their off page SEO.

4. On-Page Optimization

On-page SEO is part of the service that delivers updating title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags to cater to your audience, auditing your website's information architecture, creating a sitemap, optimizing images, researching and optimizing keywords specific to your market, generating SEO-friendly content for your local audience, and assessing site usability, speed, and design with your users in mind.

5. Continuous Optimization

SEO is a continuous process, emphasizing the long-term partnership between your business and your SEO agency, especially when targeting a specific location. You are in constant collaboration between you and the digital marketing agency, just as any partnership should be.

For your business to continue growing it's revenue, you need your audience to continue growing as well. With a continued optimized SEO service strategy, it will allow you to bring in new traffic and leads.

Why Use SEO Services?

Investing in SEO services can bring the best benefits for your website. Here's why these services are beneficial:

With all of these benefits that SEO services bring, an SEO agency like CRE8 Digital can help you implement the best SEO strategy for your business and bring you the organic traffic and track your performance simultaneously. This will give you more time on projects that require your attention.

Invest in Quality, Not Just Cost. Cheap SEO Services May Cost You More in the Long Run.

a man looking at a computer disappointed at bad seo services

How Much Do SEO Services Cost?

Figuring out the price for SEO services is an important step for businesses, especially for those in Houston looking to grow online. The cost can change based on your goals and which SEO agency you work with. On average, you might see monthly plans ranging from $1,500 to $5,500. If you prefer paying by the hour, it’s often around $50 to $100 per hour.

These numbers are just general ideas. The real cost can be different, especially for specific services like eCommerce SEO for Shopify. For the most accurate price, getting a custom quote is the best option. At CRE8 Digital, we make sure our prices match what you need for your business, giving you the right SEO services without going over budget.

What Are The Types of SEO Services?

The types of SEO services can vary on the business however, here are the most common:

For most companies, a traditional, comprehensive SEO plan is enough to get the job done. However, businesses like local shops or online stores might benefit more from specialized local seo services and eCommerce SEO services. For example, a local restaurant in Houston, TX wants to find more customers to try their traditional Mexican cuisines, so they would opt for local seo services in Houston to reach the audience that haven't discovered them yet and it's also possible to capture visiting tourists.

In some instances, SEO services may target specific areas:

While it's possible to invest in these areas individually, most companies prefer full-service SEO plans. These plans cover on-page, off-page, and technical SEO, offering a full spectrum solution for your SEO needs.

What Does An SEO Agency Do?

Inside an agency, SEO providers, are key to improving a website's search engine rankings. They focus on analyzing your website, optimizing content with strategic keywords, and ensuring a user-friendly site structure. Their role is to boost your online presence, making sure your site is visible and appealing to your target audience.

To extend their role, SEO providers can also create content in order for your website to rank higher against your competitors. For example CRE8 Digital, an SEO agency, uses content creation services to help businesses brand stand out with their targeted audience.

Bring in the benefits of SEO services with CRE8 Digital

CRE8 Digital is your trusted digital marketing agency in Houston, Texas for business small or large, we have custom strategies fit for your business to earn more revenue. Learn how we have helped our clients with the services digital marketing has to offer!

If your business is located outside of Houston or Texas, we would be more than happy to talk about how we can help your business with SEO services. Contact us today here or on our social media to start earning more customers for your business!

Get Your SEO Strategy Up and Running Today!