How to start an ecommerce online store on Amazon

Learn how to take advantage of Amazon's vast audience of customers for your ecommerce online store.
By Jesse Martinez (SEO Specialist)
September 5, 2023
ecommerce street sign
Ecommerce street sign from Unsplash

E-commerce is evolving at breakneck speeds, and at the center stands Amazon, a marketplace of unparalleled scale and influence.  Picture this: your own thriving online store nestled within the bustling aisles of the Amazon marketplace, where millions of shoppers browse daily. At CRE8 Digital, we understand the appeal of this captivating vision. So, let's talk about where the boundaries of imagination meet the possibilities of ecommerce.

In this article we’ll talk about the following ecommerce topics:

Why start an e-commerce business on Amazon?

Ecommerce is a competitive industry, however Amazon offers a plethora of advantages that can set you on the path to success. First and foremost is its vast customer base, numbering in the millions, 310 million to be exact. By opening your store on Amazon, you gain immediate access to this massive audience, saving you the time and effort it would take to build such a customer base from scratch.

Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program is another game-changer. This service handles storage, packaging, and shipping, allowing you to focus on your products and customers. It streamlines your online store’s operations, ensuring timely deliveries and excellent customer service which are key factors in building a thriving e-commerce business. The global reach of Amazon cannot be overstated. Selling on Amazon provides you with an unparalleled opportunity to expand internationally, reaching customers in various countries with ease. This global presence can significantly boost your revenue potential.

Amazon's name carries a weight of credibility and trust among consumers. Shoppers often turn to Amazon for their online purchases due to the platform's reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction. By associating your business brand with Amazon, you inherently benefit from this trust, making it easier to win over hesitant buyers.

63% of customers start their online shopping with Amazon

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How to start an e-commerce store on Amazon

Selecting a Niche:

Before diving into creating an online store with Amazon, it's important to identify a business niche that aligns with your interests and the potential customer base. Conduct thorough market research to find a profitable niche, paying attention to factors like competition and demand.

Setting Up Your Amazon Seller Account:

To get started, create an Amazon seller account. This process involves a few essential steps, including providing your business information and verifying your identity. Once your account is set up, you can begin listing your products.

Listing Your Products:

Each product listing should be informative, engaging, and optimized for search. Include high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and relevant keywords to improve your visibility in Amazon's search results. Descriptive product descriptions including keywords is an SEO technique that can set you apart from your competitors.

Pricing and Competing:

Pricing your products competitively is critical on Amazon. Regularly monitor your competitors' prices and adjust yours accordingly. Consider offering promotions or discounts to attract customers, but be mindful of maintaining profitability.

Order Fulfillment:

Amazon offers its FBA program, where they handle storage, packing, and shipping of your products. You can also fulfill orders yourself, but ensure you have healthy inventory management practices in place to avoid overstocking.

Benefits of Amazon for Your Online Store

Visibility and Traffic:

One of the foremost advantages of selling on Amazon is the instant exposure it offers your products. The platform attracts millions of shoppers daily, and your products become part of this huge digital marketplace. This increased visibility can lead to higher sales, especially if you optimize your product listings effectively.

Advertising Opportunities:

Amazon provides a range of advertising options to boost your product's visibility within the marketplace. Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display Ads can be strategically employed to reach your target audience effectively. Invest in these advertising tools to increase your store's notability and sales.

Low Marketing Cost:

With the millions of existing users currently on Amazon, it’s a straight road to attract those customers to your products. You can start selling your products the moment your store goes online without putting too much effort on your marketing.

Access to Prime Members:

Amazon currently has around 200 million Amazon Prime Members. If your online store offers Prime shipping, then you have a higher chance to convert  potential customers to paying customers.

Prime subscribers and younger generation members are Amazon’s most frequent customers

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4 Digital Marketing Tips for Your Ecommerce Amazon Store

1. Amazon SEO and Keywords:

Amazon also acts as it’s own search engine, that means you can use ecommerce SEO to optimize your product listings with relevant keywords and improve your search rankings on Amazon. Research high-performing keywords within your niche and incorporate them naturally into your product titles, descriptions, and backend keywords.

Keywords helps Amazon understand
what your online store is all about

explaining a product

2. Social Media Integration:

Use the power of social media to promote your Amazon online store. Create engaging content related to your products and share it on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Drive traffic from your social media profiles to your Amazon listings to increase sales.

3. Email Marketing and Customer Engagement:

Building an email list of your Amazon customers is a valuable asset to have on hand. Implement email marketing campaigns to nurture customer relationships, share promotions, and request reviews. Personalized email communication can go a long way in enhancing customer loyalty.

4. Analyzing Data and Metrics:

Regularly monitor your Amazon store's performance by analyzing data and metrics. The market is constantly changing, pay attention to sales trends, customer behavior, and advertising ROI. Tools like Amazon Seller Central and third-party analytics software can provide valuable insights to fine-tune your strategies and optimize your store's performance.

Amazon FBA vS Amazon Affiliate

We can’t talk about Amazon FBA without mentioning the affiliate program Amazon offers. There are major differences between both, however both have the right tools for you to achieve your business goals. Amazon FBA has you having to hold high levels of inventory which can hold you up on capital. As an affiliate you won’t have to worry about stock issues, your responsibility is to promote other’s people products. Let’s go in to the detail of what both has to offer:

Amazon FBA

Effortless shipping: This comes as a bonus, whenever a customers buys from your online store, Amazon’s team will ship the product to said customer so you can focus on your ecommerce store.
Secure storage: With Amazon FBA, your inventory is stored in state-of-the-art facilities equipped with security measures, offering you the peace of mind that your products are in trusted hands.
Customer Centric Returns: If the situation arises, returns and refunds are also handled by Amazon, saving you time and effort while ensuring customer satisfaction.

Affiliate Marketing with Amazon

Becoming an Amazon affiliate is profitable due to its vast product selection, trusted brand reputation, and competitive commission structure. As an affiliate, you can choose from a wide array of products to promote, catering to diverse niches and audiences. Amazon's existing global recognition instills trust in customers, making it easier to convert clicks into sales, and the tiered commission system rewards affiliates with higher percentages as they generate more sales, potentially leading to substantial earnings as their affiliate business grows.

Both Amazon FBA and the affiliate marketing program offer profitable opportunities for your ecommerce store, but the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences and goals. Amazon FBA is ideal for those looking to manage their own ecommerce store, where they can brand and sell their products directly. On the other hand, affiliate marketing offers a lower barrier to entry, requiring less initial investment, and allows marketers to earn commissions by promoting products without the hassle of inventory management and order fulfillment. The profitability of each option hinges on factors like business model, marketing strategy, and personal preferences.

If you're interested in either of the programs that Amazon offers, feel free to reach out to CRE8 Digital to kickstart your ecommerce journey! We specialize in consulting services that can help you launch your ecommerce online store, ensuring you start earning profits right away. Additionally, if you're looking to upgrade your existing online store, our CRE8 Digital team can assist you in enhancing visibility and attracting a larger customer base with a new website design.

Products from small and medium sized businesses account for roughly 60% of sales in Amazon stores

It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or have already built your store. You can still increase your revenue today with Amazons programs!
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